El Chorro location on the map
El Chorro is located in southern Spain in Andalusia.
Indicative time travel and time of departures and arrivals to and from El Chorro.
Seville Santa Justa (departs at 07.40) -> El Chorro (arrives at 09.32) -> Málaga
Málaga (departs at 16.48) -> El Chorro (arrives at 17.30) -> Seville Santa Justa
Those trains probably do not run on Sundays
The above times of departures and arrivals are indicative. For the actual times and up-to-date times consult timetables.
One source that I can recommend is http://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/query.exe/en
I can't guarantee any reliability of this source apart from saying that it always worked for me (not only in Spain).